EU briefing on critical raw materials in the Saxon state parliament

G.E.O.S. as a participant in briefing on the topic: "Research at G.E.O.S. in Central Saxony as a contribution to the new European raw materials strategy"

On 21 November 2023, Dr Jana Pinka and Alexander Kutzke from G.E.O.S were guests at the EU briefing of the European Movement Saxony. Under the title "Research in the Central Saxon company G.E.O.S. as a contribution to the new European raw materials strategy?", the two experts reported on current projects. The medium-sized company is active worldwide in the fields of mining, energy, environment and infrastructure.

The European Union is committed to the secure supply of critical raw materials. The political framework is set by the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA). The European Union is dependent on these raw materials to implement the Green Deal. In addition, the capacities of the supply chains are to be made more resilient. Saxony's raw materials strategy was also discussed at the EU briefing at the state press conference.

In the subsequent discussion session, there was a dynamic exchange between the members of the Saxon state parliament and the employees of the ministries.