G.E.O.S. supplies environmental information system to Uzbekistan

Informationssystem wird im Rahmen des Uranbergbausanierungsprojektes in Betrieb genommen – Nutzer in Taschkent geschult und in die Software eingewiesen

Information system is put into operation as part of the uranium mine rehabilitation project - users trained in the software in Tashkent

The Geoinformatics Department of the G.E.O.S. branch WISUTEC has started to set up an information system for the management of data and information produced in the result of the uranium mine rehabilitation in Uzbekistan.

The system was installed at the State Committee for Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Uzbek capital Tashkent. It is based on the AL.VIS software suite developed by WISUTEC. With the information system, the Uzbek colleagues are able to digitally manage all data, object information, photos and documents accumulating from the former uranium mining sites. The geo-informatic experts provided the necessary training and instruction on the system on site.

After the completion of the implementation, the system will be operated and used by the State Committee for Ecology. This means that in the two Central Asian countries of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, two compatible software systems will be operated by the responsible authorities for environmental monitoring of the former uranium mining sites. This is an important basis for a mutual exchange of information on environmental data on the shared river systems.

The CLIENT II project "TRANSPOND", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, created important concepts for the implementation.