G.E.O.S. is a new member of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

G.E.O.S. expands its international network and contributes with its expertise to the European Raw Materials Alliance

G.E.O.S. has been a member of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA). since November 2020. ERMA was founded in September 2020 and is part of the European "GreenDeal".

The European Raw Materials Alliance aims to secure the supply of critical raw materials and advanced materials in order to strengthen Europe's stability and competitiveness. To this end, the following measures, among others, are to be implemented: Rethinking supply chains, creating jobs, enabling investment in the raw materials value chain, promoting innovation, training young talent and creating the best possible framework for raw materials and the global circular economy.

G.E.O.S. will contribute with its expertise and competence in the areas of primary raw material extraction, processing of raw materials and extraction of semi-finished products / advanced materials as well as in the area of recycling to the alliance and will further expand its international network of partners from industry and research.