G.E.O.S. is prize winner at the EXPLORER CHALLENGE 2019

Searching for mineral deposits with the help of artificial intelligence - G.E.O.S. is one of the winners of the EXPLORER CHALLENGE 2019 by Oz Minerals (Australia).

G.E.O.S., together with partners DIMAP Spectral and ImageAir, participated as team "Phar Lap" in the Explorer Challenge organised by Oz Minerals (Australia) through the "Unearthed" platform.

Based on several terabytes of survey data for an area of several thousand square kilometres, including several thousand complete drill hole data, geophysical and geological data, etc., areas with expected IOCG (Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold) mineralisation had to be identified. This required the use of methods based on artificial intelligence. In addition to the available data, multispectral aerial survey data was acquired by the "Phar Lap" team and incorporated into the algorithms. For this purpose, a complete workflow was developed and successfully implemented by G.E.O.S. together with the partners in the team within the allotted time from February to May.

In this competition, in which more than 200 teams participated, the Phar Lap team with G.E.O.S. emerged very successfully in the end as the winner of the "Data Hound prize".

Further info: Explorer Challenge South Australia 2019