Heavy mineral project - BGR

Study on the raw material economy on processing and utilisation potentials of valuable minerals

On behalf of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), 40 gravel and sand deposits were sampled to determine their heavy mineral content. The focus of the BGR is the "preparation of a raw materials study on the processing and use of valuable minerals (heavy minerals and precious metals), which can be gained in the extraction and processing of gravel and sand in gravel and sand works in Germany". For this purpose, a total of 148 samples of 1 to 50 g material are available, consisting of 47 polymineral concentrates, 59 monomineral concentrates of unknown composition and pre-concentrates with zircon (25), rutile (15) and cassiterite (5). The pre-concentrates are to be processed into monomineral concentrates.

Mineralogical analyses of the concentrates will be done by Qemscan, grain sizes, grain shapes and reflected and transmitted light microscopy including photo documentation. The main and minor chemical elements of the monomineral concentrates will be identified.

The data obtained are to be evaluated and assessed from an economical point of view. The aim is to produce a research study with the working title: "Study on the processing and utilisation the potential of valuable minerals (heavy minerals and precious metals) that can be recovered as a by-product during the extraction and processing of gravels and sands in gravel and sand works in Germany" - short title: "Sample analysis and study of by-product valuable minerals".

Project duration: 01.2019 - 06.2020