High-ranking delegation of mining representatives
from Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on a visit

G.E.O.S. in international business

On 27 June 2023, G.E.O.S. welcomed guests from Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, who visited Freiberg as part of the Manager Programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. In the focus of the business talks and the sharing of experiences were the topics of raw material exploration, extraction and processing.

Dr René Kahnt welcomed the representatives and presented the G.E.O.S. company portfolio as well as the successfully used CoreSmart Predictor.

Afterwards, the delegation was informed about the pilot plants on the company premises. Dr. Roland Mayer explained the separation and immobilisation of radioactive substances in the MagThor hall. Dr Frank Haubrich led a tour through the modules of the ReMiningPlus project, which aims at geo-biotechnological processes for the recovery of valuable metals from mining residues.

Here's to success for future cooperation!