ISOSIM research project

Development of an isotope-based simulation programme for the analysis and prognosis of hydro(geo)logical processes

The consortium Technical University Dresden Institute for Groundwater Management, Hydro-Consult GmbH and G.E.O.S. as project coordinator have set themselves the goal of completely redeveloping and expanding the MULTIS software for the simulation of isotope transport, which was developed in the 1990s. The project is funded by the Saxon Development Bank SAB.

The aim is to develop a simulation tool that can be used flexibly and intuitively and whose range of functions clearly exceeds that of MULTIS. While the TU Dresden is studying isotope transport in groundwater and developing a corresponding module for it, Hydro-Consult will deal with transport in the partially saturated zone. G.E.O.S. will combine the modules and develop the central simulation tool ISOSIM based on them.

Further information on the project can be found here (German): Forschungsprojekt ISOSIM