XTRACT research project launched

Zero Emission Mine of the Future - G.E.O.S. will be a partner in the innovative research project XTRACT

In January, the kick-off meeting of the XTRACT research project, which is funded by the European Union, took place in Athens, the birthplace of democracy. G.E.O.S. is a partner in the project and was represented on site by Dr Jana Pinka.

The project "A Sustainable Ecosystem for the Innovative Resource Recovery and Complex Ore Extraction" aims to develop a new concept for the Zero Emission Mine of the Future. The project's 14 European partners are focussing on innovative microinvasive technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction.

G.E.O.S. Engineering is responsible for two tasks in the project:

1. On the one hand, a technology is to be developed to recycle water from sulphate-containing microbiological solutions by means of electrodialysis for further bioleaching. The recycling of sulphate into sulphuric acid enables the saving of acid and the avoidance of gypsum waste sludge.

2. On the other hand, a processing index is to be developed from the combination of geophysical airborne data and results from drill core investigations and with pre-existing experience, which can be used to predict whether the ore under investigation can be processed using geobiotechnology. In the future, this will provide a valuable and innovative tool for the early assessment of the economic value of an ore deposit and the possibility of leach mining.

Good luck and to a successful collaboration in the consortium under the leadership of Prof Sabrina Hedrich of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg!


A Sustainable Ecosystem for the Innovative Resource Recovery and Complex Ore Extraction

More info: https://xtract-project.eu/