Environmental Assessment and Feasibility Study for the Former Uranium Mining and Processing Complex Mailuu-Suu in Kyrgyzstan

For the former uranium mining and processing site Mailuu-Suu in Kyrgyzstan, the G.E.O.S. branch WISUTEC carried out an analysis of the current status and a risk assessment on behalf of the European Commission after extensive investigations and environmental assessments. The project is part of an internationally funded programme to rehabilitate the legacy of uranium mining in the former Soviet Union on the territory of the countries Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The Mailuu-Suu site includes abandoned mining facilities such as shafts and adits, contaminated buildings, and a large number of waste dumps and tailings ponds containing residues from uranium processing. The site is at risk due to earthquakes and several objects are located in the impact area of landslides and flooding zones.

After presenting and discussing the results in workshops, a strategy for the remediation of the site was defined in cooperation with the beneficiary, the Ministry of Disaster Management of Kyrgyzstan, and planning documents for the remediation of the various properties were prepared.

A specific task of the project was the development and implementation of a monitoring concept for landslides and the procurement of the necessary instruments.


  • Preparation of a concept for monitoring geohazards such as landslides, installation of a monitoring system
  • Geotechnical, hydrogeological and radioecological investigation and assessment of the site
  • Comprehensive risk and safety assessment
  • Development of remediation concepts and feasibility studies for in-situ remediation and moving of radioactive mining residues
  • Remediation plan for the site including a risk-based prioritisation of the remediation measures
  • Preparation of ESIAs (Environmental and Social Impact Assessments) for remediation activities, environmental due diligence and stakeholder management in accordance with EU and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) regulations
  • Detailed technical planning and design documents, preparation of tender documents
  • Know-how transfer to Kyrgyz ministries and state agencies
  • On-the-job training of the responsible authorities, workshops in Austria, Germany and Kyrgyzstan