FAME: Development of flexible processing technologies for complex ores

As part of the EU research project FAME, G.E.O.S. worked with project partners to develop new processing methods for extracting economically significant metals such as tungsten, indium, lithium and tin from skarn, greisen and pegmatite ores. This resulted in new processing options for ores that could not previously be processed economically due to their complex structure, which were successfully tested on a pilot scale by German and European mining companies in the project.


  • Selective comminution and pre-sorting for the production of pre-concentrates and separation of waste rock
  • Geochemical and mineralogical analyses of the pre-concentrates and concentrates
  • Magnetic separation, density separation and flotation for concentrate production (tungsten, tin, zinc, lithium)
  • Hydrometallurgy - solution processing by liquid extraction, precipitation, ion exchange, sorption for the recovery of valuable metals (indium, gallium) and by-products (silicates)
  • Biohydrometallurgy for the leaching of sulphides
  • Testing the processes in the laboratory and technical centre
  • Creation of process flow diagrams



Das Projekt wurde gefördert durch das EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation: „Horizont 2020“.