Geophysical and geotechnical investigation of the routes to the "Grid connection cluster Westlich Adlergrund 2" - CWA2

The company 50Hertz Transmission GmbH commissioned a consortium consisting of G.E.O.S. and VBW Weigt GmbH (VBW) to explore the routes to the grid connection cluster Westlich Adlergrund 2 (CWA2). The exploration corridor for the routes has a length of approx. 110 kilometres. The area is located in the middle of the Baltic Sea and has been designated as a suitable area for the construction of wind turbines. It has an area of 109.2 square kilometres. It is about 42 kilometres to the nearest coast of Rügen.

In the scope of this project, G.E.O.S. provided geological and geotechnical support, monitored and helped to implement the main ground investigation nearshore and offshore. The data collected was evaluated in accordance with the client's requirements and in conformity with the respective standards. The geophysical results were included in the main ground investigation report. VBW, a member of the G.E.O.S. group of companies, was responsible for the project management and the geophysical investigation.

As part of the geotechnical investigation, VC drilling, pressure soundings with pore water pressure measurement (CPTu), thermal measurements with hand-held equipment on the drill core as well as by means of in-situ methods in combination with VC were carried out. The soil physical and chemical laboratory investigations were carried out in the in-house laboratory.


  • Exploration concept (field and laboratory investigations) according to the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency standards and requirements of the client
  • Geological and geotechnical support/supervision of the exploration work (pressure soundings, drilling, thermal tests etc.)
  • Geological documentation, photo documentation, thermal tests and sampling for laboratory tests on drill cores
  • Soil physics laboratory tests
  • Evaluation and assessment of the data collected
  • Geological and geotechnical model along the cable routes
  • Determination of characteristic soil values for the geological strata
  • Subsoil assessment and final evaluation according to the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency standards and clients' requirements.