GEOSMART: Integrated risk analysis based on coupled simulations for the use of the potential of deep geological formations

Within the research project GEOSMART, uniform methods for the risk analysis of hydrothermal and petrothermal deep geothermal projects as well as storage projects were developed.

The general idea is based on the approaches developed by G.E.O.S. for coupling complex dynamic THMC models with the probabilistic simulation software GoldSim. This method has already been successfully used in the CO2RINA research project (risk analyses for carbon storage in subsurface geological formations).

G.E.O.S. coordinated the research project and took over the following tasks:

  • Technical and organisational coordination of the entire project
  • Implementation of the central system simulation model in the software GoldSimTM
  • Development and numerical implementation of conservative risk screening approaches to assess the relevance of individual risks
  • Implementation of risk analyses for the exemplary sites Beeskow-Birkwitz (possible storage projects or deep hydrothermal energy), Traunreut (deep hydrothermal energy) and Soultz-sous-Forrets (deep petrothermal energy)
  • Integration of the look-up tables and response functions into the central simulation tool
  • Database coupling to store the site-specific parameters and the 3D model geometries
  • Development of a user interface



Das Projekt wurde gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.