Public relations activities for the Menteroda-Wipperdorf leach pipeline project

For the environmentally friendly disposal of leachate from the Menteroda potash dump, the saline water is piped from the Menteroda leaching pond to the central Wipperdorf leaching pond via an approx. 14 kilometre long underground pipeline. The licences for the construction and operation of the pipeline were granted on the basis of the amendments drawn up by G.E.O.S. to the final operating plan for the former Volkenroda-Pöthen potash plant.

In addition to the services provided by G.E.O.S. in service phases 1-9 in accordance with the German Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers (HOAI), the contract also included supporting the client with public relations activities. According to § 25 para. 3 of the Thuringian administrative law (ThürVwVfG), the affected communities must be involved at an early stage for projects that may have more than insignificant effects on the interests of a large number of affected parties.

As part of the public participation process, G.E.O.S. informed third parties about the objectives of the project, the means of realisation and the expected effects of the project.

  • Identification of the public bodies to be involved in coordination with the Thuringian State Administration Office and the Thuringian State Mining Authority
  • Public announcement documents for the early public participation phase
  • Preparation and participation in formal consultation meetings (planning level: planning approval under mining law or water law)
  • Preparation of project presentations and organisation of project presentations at public meetings in the communities affected by the project
  • Project presentations to individual, particularly project-relevant, affected companies and private individuals
  • Creation of an info flyer on the project
  • Updating the info flyer in line with the progress of the project