Reinforcement of the escape route in the former Altenberg tin ore mine

The mine workings of the Altenberg tin mine must be regularly travelled along the so-called "escape route" to check geotechnical safety and to ensure the drainage function of the drainage tunnel of the former Altenberg tin mine. Parts of this escape route did not fulfil the requirements for safe and hazard-free passage and must be reinforced in accordance with a mining authority order. The measures concern an approx. 180 metre long section of the escape route on the 7th level as well as a damaged area in the overburden 113 between the 6th level and partial level 1 of the underground mine workings.

As part of the mining planning, the measure was planned by G.E.O.S. from the basic evaluation to the approval stage (special operating plan) and, after its approval by the mining authorities, continued with the planning until ready for realisation and tendering.

Due to the location of the work points at distances of 3,025 metres to 4,500 metres from the mine access, the confined cross-sections and the location in the pit water reservoir, there were special requirements for the logistics of the construction process, ventilation and pit water management for all aspects of mining safety, occupational safety and radiation protection as well as environmental and water protection for the underground work.


  • Basic evaluation
  • Preliminary and detailed design
  • Authorisation planning (special operating plan)
  • Implementation planning
  • Preparation and participation in the award of contracts